Privacy Policy
We are “Cat-astrophe Games”, a Polish LLC company.
Analytics used in our game on mobile
We use mobile analytics to improve your experience in our games and for diagnostics (to catch crashes). The data we gather is only used by us. The decisions we make upon these statistics are performed by humans (i.e. they are not automated, we do not do “profiling” to serve different users different content based on how they behave).
These statistics are as anonymous as the technologies we list below allow. We do not share this data with anyone except the parties listed below. These statistics are only used by us to improve the games we make.
We use these technologies:
We use Google Play Games Services (Android) and Apple Game Center (iOS) to collect and show achievements in our games. The data is associated with the Google Play Games / Apple Game Center account you use to sign-in in our game. You can sign-out from Google Play Games / Apple Game Center at any moment if you don't want this.
We use Tenjin for install attribution (how do you find our app in the store). You can disable "Send Analytics" in game "Options" if you don't want this.
We use Game Analytics for analytics — how do you progress through the game, through the UI and what in-app purchases you make. This allows us to improve the game. You can disable "Send Analytics" in game "Options" if you don't want this.
If you have any questions, ask us!
© 2018-2021 Cat-astrophe Games LLC